Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th 2011

It is good to be back writing to you from my chair. I was glad to have a month's rest but I'm happy to be with you again. It is time to pick up and move forward in our church and in our own lives together.

1 have a dear friend who brings me good books to read. Last week she lifted my spirits with one written by a third generation sheep rancher in B.C., Ian Moiellet. He not only herds a flock of 2000 sheep but also pastors his local church.

Because I am a spinner and have a close relative nearby who runs a sheep farm, I know a little about sheep. It always disturbs me when I hear people say that sheep are stupid. Ian Moiellet agrees with me. He says that sheep need a leader, a shepherd and that their intelligence lies in the fact that t they KNOW they need a leader and that they do not follow just anyone. Jesus knew this. We read it about it in St. John's Gospel Chapter 10. Here Jesus likens us to a flock. We know that to be nourished and fed, protected and sheltered, we need a shepherd. If we are wise sheep, we know that this is true. There are some breeds of sheep, notably the Black Face Suffolk which do not have this gift. They tend to wander off, causing danger to themselves and a waste of time and energy to the shepherd.

Our course, our shepherd whom we recognize and follow is Jesus Christ. He leads us to green pastures. (Psalm 23) Every year on the BC ranch, the flock is led up the mountain to the lush green pastures. The climb is long and hard for both flock and shepherds. There are many hazards of which they must be aware. The flock must learn to stay together and to follow together. The good shepherd loves his sheep. We are Christ's flock and must love him and each other. We must be one in his love.

Our Father commissioned for us, shepherds or pastors here on earth. We must not let the weariness of the journey discourage us. We must uphold each other in love that binds and keeps us. It is good to think new thoughts and have different ideas. We must never let our own ideas and thoughts divide us. We must listen for his voice - the voice we know and follow him together. / am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. (John 10: 14)

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