Sunday, February 3, 2013

February 2013

“Dream the Impossible Dream”.

That song from the musical “Man of La Manche” is drifting down the hall to my room. We all of us have dreams or plans for the future, even those who are in their nineties as I am. We should keep in mind that God
has plans for us too. Not just in the grand plan of our lives but in our day to day activities.

In the collect for the Third Sunday after Epiphany there are these words, “by grace above you call us and accept us in your service”. It is important for our plans to be His plans. Are we fearful as to how we can be sure we are following His will? First let us remember that, “perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4).

Daily as we pray and live let us lift our hearts in love to Him and surrender to that love. If we make mistakes, as we will, remember how great was His love, that he gave His life for us that we might live in perfect knowledge of Him.

Let us learn the difference between giving up and acceptance. If you can accept the large rock that blocks our path, we may find it provides a solid seat to sit on, even if it is hard. We can take comfort from that rock and even find it has absorbed some worth from the sun. Perhaps this is just a siting place and we will move on. Perhaps this is the place God want us to accept and stay to do something for Him here.

As the collect says, he calls us and accepts us. He never lets us go. We must never let go of Him. Let each one of us live day by day conscious of and in the strength of His love. Let us be vessels of that love so we may see Him in each other. We are not alone as we go forward.

Canon Frances