Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11th 2012

I remember Sister Jessie Mary from one of our Anglican Convents in England, telling me this story. A young girl of very humble circumstances was engaged to be married to an exceedingly brilliant young man. He had won scholarships which, when he had finished his studies, would move him into social circles far above those into which he and she had been born. In Canada, and in these more egalitarian times, it is hard for us to understand how very frightened she was that she would not measure up socially. She wanted to break off the engagement. He, bless him, loved her and would not hear of it. She turned to Sister Jessie Mary for advice. She told her that of course she must marry him. As for dealing with social niceties, the important thing was to always be considerate and think of others. That is the basis of all good manners. The couple were married and in the strength of their love for each other and their love and devotion to God, they were accepted in all circles.

Thinking of this anecdote made me wonder. When we rise to greet someone or shake hands with them, do we remember that this is a child of God, made in his image? Do we, whether they be royalty, or down and out, honour and respect them. Sometimes we are aware that the person we face has not opened themselves to God’s love and grace. We cannot honour the things they may condone or do. We can reach out to them with the saving love of Jesus in our hearts and be comfortable and confident in their presence. It is only our insecurity which makes us uncomfortable in the presence of someone whose life is different from our own. We are self conscious rather than God conscious. We must let him, by the power of his Holy Spirit be present with us in our all relationships.

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