Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 4th 2011

Several weeks ago, I wrote about the central theme of each of the four Collects during Advent and pointed out the central theme for today, the second Sunday in Advent is confidence. I quote “that we may stand with confidence before his glory”.

What does it take to be a confident person? First of all, we need a clear conscience. How many of us have a clear conscience?  Is there no wrongdoing in our lives, no wrong attitudes towards others? We can be free. Christ has with his love and sacrifice bought this freedom for us. What else do we need to be confident?  We need knowledge and experience. In the Collect for today, in our old BCP we read:

“ Blessed Lord who has caused all Holy Scriptures
to be written for our learning, grant that we in
such wise hear them, read, mark, learn and
inwardly digest them,  that by patience and
comfort of thy holy word, we may embrace and
ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life
which thou has given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ."

I am not a literalist in my understanding of the Bible but I embrace it mindfully with love and joy as it nourishes me. The Bible gives me that confidence I need to stand before the throne. I try to live the life it directs and gain the experience we all need to further achieve confidence as we stand before him and worship him.

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