Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18th 2011

It is the fourth Sunday in Advent and I have not mentioned that great harbinger – John the Baptist. He is spoken of in all four gospels. He and Jesus were cousins. We first meet him as he leaps in his mother Elizabeth’s womb as he recognizes the presence of the Messiah also yet unborn. We know little of John’s childhood and growing up years. He emerges as a great prophet living in the wilderness and leading a very austere life. He proclaims a message of hope that the true light which enlightens everyone was coming into the world. He called on the people to repent, turn around and lead a new life as they prepared to receive the Messiah. His influence spread so far among the people that even the King was moved and disturbed by him.

What message does John have for us today? It seems that at Christmas time when we are celebrating Jesus’ birth we make sure to share to tell the true story of Jesus coming into the world as we reach out in love to all around us. Sometimes we are embarrassed to speak out. It can even be hard to perform a loving act to issue an invitation or make a phone call. It is not likely that we are going to be thrown in prison or lose our head as John did if we greet friends with Happy Christmas or on Christmas Day, proclaim Christ is born. If someone challenges you, enter with joy and inner prayer into a conversation with them. It was said of John “he was not that light but came to bear witness of that light”. John 1 verse 8.

Happy witnessing everyone

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