Tuesday, May 8, 2012

April 29th 2012

Last time we looked at the need to examine our faith with deeper understanding. It is very often good to give some thought and study to the times in which Biblical events took place, perhaps to compare those people and events to modern times. This is Good Shepherd Sunday when the Psalm, Collect and Prayers refer to the Good Shepherd. The role of the shepherd has not changed that much down through the centuries but we do tend to romanticize him. As you meditate, use all your senses. Can you hear the sound of the sheep and the lambs? Do you see the country side all around you? Is there better pasture ahead and what is that lamb doing over there? What does the ground feel like under your feet? Are you aware of the comfort of your strong shepherd’s crook? Does it give you confidence to defend yourself against wolves or to reach out and rescue lambs? Are you prepared to give your life for your sheep? Do you love them that much? Jesus did. You are one of his sheep? Do you hear his voice? Are you assured of his love? Do you feel safe in his care? There are many more inspirational thoughts to be gleaned from today’s Gospel reading John 10: 1-18.

In the latter half of this same chapter is recounted Jesus’ struggle with the wolves. We have a vivid picture of the scene. Jesus is in the temple In Jerusalem, a place he loved. It is winter so we can presume it is cold and he is walking up and down in Solomon’s portico. Suddenly he is surrounded by a group of Jews who want answers. Let us try and get into the hearts and minds of these men. God has promised them that they as Jews are his chosen people and that he will one day send them a Messiah, a Saviour. They interpret this to mean release from the constraining bonds of the Roman empire. They have some faint expectation that Jesus is the promised Messiah and are frustrated that he does not declare himself, produce a sword and lead them into battle. They had the right person but the wrong expectations of him. They became the wolves, anxious to destroy instead of being the sheep willing to follow.

Are we wolves out to destroy because we are set on the wrong course with the wrong expectation?
 Are we sheep trying to follow the Good Shepherd wherever he leads us?

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