Sunday, November 20, 2011

November 20th 2011

My mother’s twin sister Betty lived with Christmas all year round.  She made nearly all her gifts herself with joyful anticipation of the delight her presents would bring. When we visited them on their birthdays in the middle of November, there was always a large box of beautifully wrapped items for us to take home for Christmas.  There was no strain or stress, just contentment.

My first word about Advent is plan ahead so that you may enter the Christmas season with joy.  Advent has its own special message of anticipation.  It is a season of looking towards not only his coming to us as a baby but also to the time when we shall see him again.

Over the past 50 years, the beautiful family ceremony of lighting the four advent candles at the dinner table has grown up and been revised. I hope it is part of your family tradition.  It is not too early or too late to start.  If you are alone, it can be very meaningful to pause before you eat, light one or more of the four candles and say “Come Lord Jesus Come”.  The same for just two people. When there are little children they love to watch the candlelight. If you fear the use of open flame, little electric tea lights are very beautiful.  If they have not taken part in anything like this, older children may be resistant because they feel awkward.  I think perhaps the trick is getting them involved ahead of time, perhaps making the candle wreaths.  Anything put together with love and creativity which holds four candles will be perfect.  Perhaps someone could write a short prayer.  One candle will be lit each day of the first week and two each day of the second week and so on to the fourth.  Some people like to have a fifth candle for Christmas Day.

I find it is not a Christmas celebration without a nativity set in our home.  Blessed are you if you can afford to go out and purchase a very beautiful one. We still have the china Mary and Babe I bought on our first Christmas.  Turn it over and you will see the original price tag of 29 cents.  It is not hard to construct a simple stable. Try a large piece of bark for a roof and think of ways to support it and form the stable underneath. Use whatever materials and skills you have. This can be done during Advent.   Have it ready at least a week before Christmas. At first, only put animals in the stable and let the story unfold.  Put the shepherds in far off fields, perhaps in the Christmas tree.  Let Joseph and Mary start on their journey. Find a spot for them perhaps on a book shelf. Way way off somewhere perhaps in another room, the Wise Men.  On Christmas Eve, Mary and Joseph and the donkey arrive at the stable.  The next morning amid all the fun of opening presents the babe is found to be in the manger.  The shepherds arrive soon after. The wise men must wait. They have long journey to Bethlehem.

Have a happy journey through Advent.

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