Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 2013

We are now well into the season of Lent. That is the time when we remember Jesus forty days Fasting in the Wilderness.

The word “Lent” means spring and it should be a growing time when life stirs within us and throughout the earth. We look at ourselves and are dismayed by our own weaknesses. The first thing we must do is ask forgiveness. We come humbly to the throne of Grace and Jesus enfolds us with the supreme Love that took him to the cross. As we receive his love, we move into being more confident and competent people. As we grow in love and faith we learn to be more disciplined. The word ‘discipline’ suggests to us  harsh and difficult lives. Really it makes our lives flow more easily as we follow a regime.

Our first discipline is prayer. If we have not already done so let us find a time which we will give for prayer. Let us make those prayers meaningful and not just a time for asking but also a time for being with Him. Throughout the day and night may we be open to send up quick prayers for help or to share a joy and give  thanks. We should strive to come together with our brothers and sisters and children in the faith, and worship.

May we grow with and support each other in our daily lives. Let us grow in faith to perceive God’s glory.  As children of light may we help others to see their way in the darkness on the disciplined road towards  truth, life and love. It is never too late to start and we need never stop.

Gracious God, as we make our Lenten journey 
towards Good Friday and Easter Sunday, we pray 
that we may be alert to the presence of Jesus 
and attentive to your guidance along the way. 
In the name of Jesus, the suffering 
and glorified one. Amen. 

Dr. Terry Donaldson.